Saturday, March 19, 2016

That never ending quest - for the special schemes

Having seen sooooo many special schemes over the years, it's amazing that as soon as you think you have them all, another one appears on the horizon.  There - are some - that - will never (well, I guess never is the wrong word - probably ever be seen is better) actually be met by my camera's sensor, but for those that are, the quest is never ending.  What is missing?  All the Alaska schemes, except Salmon-Thirty-Salmon ( I know - go to Seattle), Southwest - Colorado One, JetBlue - the Mint specials (I know - go to New York or the West Coast), the list goes on.  However, there is one that I was just able to cross of the list - YAY!! :)  United (thank you scheduling department!!) brought the March of Dimes special in late on night, and then let it depart the next morning - and - I made sure I was there that next morning!!

So, the list does get one entry crossed off - but - the quest is still ongoing.....

In the meantime, some more time spent behind the camera lens....

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